Unlike conventional wool, our wool processing contains. Bamboo batting Most wool is cleaned by putting it through a sulphuric acid bath to disintegrate the plant material. You can purchase batting to make your own wool pillows and comforters. Make a basic needle felted shape by stacking 4 sheets and rolling them into an oval shape while compressing as much air as you can out of the wool. 3. Need a lot of batting? The only time I prewash is when I’m working with hand-dyed fabric… so, not very often. We do not use harsh chemicals to clean the wool so you may find a very small amount of vegetable matter in the batting. core wool batting is wonderful for needle felting parts for a sturdy, fully jointed wire-free needle felted fairy body. Roving . Has anyone tried both Hobbs and Quilters Dream wool batting and preferred one over the over? But with batting, the wool comes off the machine in thin sheets which are layered to form thicker fluffy sheets. And as you quilted it, it became very dense. If you can wear/use wool with a cotton barrier, like a cotton turtleneck under a wool sweater, it’s probably what’s IN the wool that bothers. There’s also a way to make the wool line up so that all the fibers are facing the same directions, and this is called “worsted wool”. Help! Great for quilts and comforters or use to make and fill your own pillows. Both types of batting come in a 90-inch width. It is very faint and most people do not notice it. What did you think of it? It does contain some vm (vegetable matter) and is perfect choice to use for the core of your needle felted projects. In case you will use Wool, then your batting material is about ½ inch (1.3 cm.) In fact, it may be the warmest quilt batting. So you will have contact with the wool batting when you lie under the quilt. So far it has worked well. BATTING - Batting is a blanket sized piece of wool that is the fluffy filling inside cozy comforters. Think about it next time you want to make yourself a swimsuit out of wool yarn. : 866-439-6681 It is also excellent as a base for vessels, hats and bags. 100% Polyester Quilt Batting. You can also use it to make your own topper or comforter or quilt and even pillow. Wool is naturally fire-retardant. Once it’s loaded on my frame, I don’t really have to deal with it too much. Please call us for pricing on single pieces larger than 3 yards. I rarely pre-wash my fabric at all, and I don’t usually make a decision about the batting before I load a quilt on the frame. For the hand spinner, make your own roving by tearing off strips. The batting can be easily pulled apart if you wish to separate it. We are a custom shop. Spinning and Felting Batts - 72 x 90 untrimmed, approximately 3lbs. One reason I really like it is the weight— it is so much lighter than cotton (This matters both in quilting and in making up a bed). In other words, the mattress size you select will provide you with two layers of wool. And maybe it is. I had a heck of a time finding it, so I decided to make dryer balls from wool batting. Another important property to consider is how far apart you can quilt using wool, and that’s going to vary by manufacturer. I usually quilt the snot out of everything, so I don’t normally pay attention to these factors. Because of wool’s hollow fiber, air transfers easily through, making wool both insulating and cooling as ambient air can not only pass around the fibers but also through them. A quilt made with wool batting will be extra warm and toasty. All in all, I really like quilting with wool, so I’ll probably try out what QD has to offer, since I like the fact that it’s heat bonded & therefore more environmentally friendly. Isabel. There’s also a way to make the wool line up so that all the fibers are facing the same directions, and this is called “worsted wool”. I don’t feel “weighted down” with several wool quilts on me. The main rules when washing, to avoid felting the wool in the process, it to avoid too hot water, or quick changes in water temperature, and to disturb the wool as … Think about it next time you want to make yourself a swimsuit out of wool yarn. It’s a skin irritant for me but if I limit contact I am okay. Wool is naturally fire-retardant. Please keep in mind, while we often keep these timetables, these estimates are generalities. It breathes, so doesn’t get damp feeling in humid weather. I know Legacy uses resin bonding and Quilter’s Dream uses thermal, so I would consider QD to be the more environmentally favorable of the two. I got Hobbs as it was all our local shop had but will definitely try Quilters Dream also. Store hours: We don't have any. This is an online-only store. In order to make a wool futon you could get wool quilt batting or old blankets and then tack it together in layers and make a cover for it. Please note the following highlighted line below to detail when your purchases may arrive. Wool makes me itch but not allergic other than that. If you request more than one pound, we will ship it all in one piece. If you press your nose into the batting, you may notice a very slight sheepy smell. Cotton and Polyester blends ; These are often 80 percent cotton and 20 percent polyester. This batting is chemical free and has not been superwashed, so it will felt and shred if you throw it in your washing machine. Crib: 1.9 yards I always use Quilters Dream Angel for baby quilts if I’m not using wool. . And wool batting has been in use for a long time since it is the easiest to quilt by hand. It turned our really nice. If you’ve been thinking about the virtues of using wool batting in a quilt but don’t feel compelled to try it, let me explain why you should. In fact, wool is a favorite for many hand quilters! It is beautiful. The layering results in a textured wool where the fibers are no longer aligned, making it perfect for needle felting as it felts up very quickly. Do you pre-wash your fabric when using wool batting since it doesn’t shrink very much (or at all)? By Susan Dart | November/December 1983. From here, things can go in a few different directions. In this tutorial, Jill goes through a few pros and cons of cotton vs. wool batting. You may shake the batting outside or vacuum it through a sheet. (Think Aden & Anais blankets.) What Side Of Quilt Batting Goes Up? Seems like the wool would drape and be so cuddly where the warm and natural cotton is stiffer. PMB 388 I machine quilt it, and I love the results. The wool batting is cleaned using biodegradable soap and hot water. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. (Nobody worry here. Don't say I didn't warn you. (Think Aden & Anais blankets.) Wool can absorb almost one third of its own weight in water. thanks so much for your thoughts on the different wool battings out there! No harsh chemicals or pesticides come in contact with our wool. (This is also why I do not use polyester and such for baby quilts, the synthetic batting can scratch sensitive skin and eyes. Wool Batting. Wool batting is naturally sustainable, warm, and soft. Step 3 – Wrap the board with Batting And fabric – 1st long edge. This lint shouldn't go through water pipes or a septic system, and it can be used later to make woolen pincushions. I was always convinced that 100% cotton batting was the best option in almost all cases. Using the tongs, transfer the wool to a plastic bin. This happens every time I wash and dry it. Put in a few staples just to keep layers from slipping around. Ask me how I know. Eco Wool is entirely derived from local flocks of sheep that are raised following specific criteria that ensures top quality wool. Comforter Batts - Specify your bed size. Wool has an open, medium loft (1/4″ – 1/3″), and it’s strong. However, I will say the wool batting just had a lot more weight. 2. We made wool batting from our coarser sheep (Suffolk) because it didn't felt as quickly as the Merinos. The total quilt size is about 60″ x 70″ with a total of 42 – 10.5″ squares. I’m making decorative hot pads for my own kitchen and they will be used by my kids even it I say they are just decoration. I suppose after time, I will have no batting left! We recommend pellon if the comforter will be permanently covered and tied, quilted or sewn. I made it in 1974. The top piece and backing are not a solid barrier from your batting. . Since each mattress size you select is a wrap, that means that you will have wool batting  to cover the top, the sides and the bottom of a 12″ mattress. Order the same yardage that is called for the lining, since you will be interlining the lining pieces, not the body of the coat. Regardless of what their final purpose is, we make our batts specifically to be have the best loft retension, compression resistance, and minimal shrinkage. In case you want thicker and warmer batting, you may use Wool, Polyester, or cotton blend fibers. The reason I can quilt with it is because there’s very little direct contact between my skin and the batting as I am quilting. Filed Under: Quilting Tutorials Tagged With: Batting. Some hand spinners and felters prefer batting over roving. Our Wool Batting is sold by the pound. If you have fibromyalgia and/or are super sensitive like myself , these kinds of beds are so uncomfortable. I am looking for an alternative to cotton batting for quilts because they come out just so darn heavy! The manufacturer says … This means it ignites at higher temperatures than cotton and some synthetic fibres. The pink blanket is: gauze + wool batting + cotton quilting fabric. Much of the wool batting being made these days is machine washable, and because manufacturer’s prewash it, it won’t really shrink at all, so it is comparable to 100% polyester (shrinkage from 0-2%.) If a different amount of wool suits you, please select the option to purchase it by the yard. The only substance used in its processing is a surfactant, which breaks the surface tension of the water, allowing the oily lanolin to float away in the washing water. Because of wool’s hollow fiber, air transfers easily through, making wool both insulating and cooling as ambient air can not only pass around the fibers but also through them. It also provides really great stitch definition, so people who are quilting to enter shows will often use wool in their pieces to really showcase their stitching. Please write in the notes section if you would like your multiple yards sent in separate one yard pieces. Can also be used as core wool. In the dryer, the quilt develops little balls of wool on the surface, which are spread around the front and back, about 5 balls per square foot. It highlights my machine quilting beautifully and hangs well from the wall. I had a heck of a time finding it, so I decided to make dryer balls from wool batting. I have read about Hobbs wool batting, but was put off by the washing and drying restrictions. An allergy would include respiratory symptoms, coughing, sneezing, runny nose and eyes, sore throat, etc., all the way up to anaphylactic shock.Since the QD says it is “scoured” and super cleaned,I’d think it would be less of an irritant. Hobbs Batting Tuscany 100% Washable Wool 96in x 108in Queen, 96" x 108" 4.6 out of 5 stars 45. Wool Batting will seep through the woven fabric of your quilt. They need more washing, and the batting cost is less. $55.75 $ 55. It may sound odd, but bamboo batting is being seen as a good choice for quilt batting … A wool wrap is the budget saving method for those who want the qualities of wool on their mattress, but want to purchase a less expensive, machine washable ticking, like our Knit Ticking, rather than the beautiful Quilted Ticking, which has wool quilted into it. Since wool is made from the coats of sheep, which subsequently will grow forever , it’s actually a really sustainable fiber, and naturally renewable! Cotton batting will typically have about 1-3% of shrinkage when you wash and dry your quilt for the first time. October 6, 2018. Wool Batting will seep through the woven fabric of your quilt. I washed a quilt that I used wool batting in, and when I pulled it out of the washer, it was all fuzzy! A soft and resilient wool batting, use it as the filling for bedding and toys, or make your own felted crafts. If the wool is very dirty, I also add some washing powder (the type used for knitted wool items). You don’t have to invest in an entire roll; get a craft size and make a couple of smaller wall hangings to try it out. http://www.quiltersdreambatting.com/dream-angel.htm. Let me know what you think! An allergist told me that if people suspect they have a wool allergy, it is often the residual lanolin their skin is reacting to, or the chemicals used to pull the lanolin out of the wool during processing. Store your wool quilts with lavender or cedar. Mine says little or no shrinkage and something about less bearding. millet hulls, wool batting; wool flake; pillow cases, Sold by the 88″ yard or the mattress wrap size. 43. As we get our wool from multiple farms, each pasture has different vegetation and each sheep pulls in different amounts of plant matter, so not every wool batt will have its own character. Wool batting is the only way to go for a pillow! Curious to hear that it’s not supposed to shrink. This is another factor that makes it ideal for show quilts, since those are always getting folded and shipped somewhere. Isabel. How To Make Flat Felt With Wool Batting - Basic shapes in wet felting - YouTube. What batting would you like me to talk about next? Watch this video to see how to make felted wool dryer balls in different ways. Our Eco Wool batting is the highest quality batting we have worked with in the past 25 years of making wool bedding. Wool batting is my favorite for bed quilts. To make a basic egg shape, start by preparing the wool batting. Wrap your latex layers inside your ticking to provide comfort and protection as in the video on our How It Works page, here. Though you can't use a washing machine to wash a quilt with wool batting, you can wash it by hand. Our 100% natural wool batting is wonderfully soft, and can be used for all kinds of applications. I’ve been considering using wool for a bed quilt and now I feel more confident about trying it. Wool batting … , 1862 E. Belvidere Rd. It is easy to handle and felts up very fast! Our wool is scoured (washed) with only biodegradable soap and hot water. Full \ Full XL: 3.3 yards Use a rotary cutter and long ruler if you have them available. Each will ship after their processing time. Since I gifted the below pink blanket a long time ago, I can’t lay it side by side with the above. Quilting Batts - Lightweight batting. Wool has a couple of neat characteristics. If the garment is close fitting, you may want to consider going up a size, since the batting will add bulk. Cut off any excess, making sure to leave at least an inch of materials extra even on corners. Wool batting is lofty and fluffy, perfect for your DIY bedding projects. Everything is sewn and selected just for you. Make a Quick and Cozy Wool Blanket Put your sewing skills to use by making a wool blanket. 100% wool batting – I found that 1 lb will make approximately 6 dryer balls; Old nylon stockings or pantyhose; Wool felting needle (optional) Washing machine and dryer; When I first decided to make wool dryer balls, I looked for wool yarn. Buy Pellon & Fairfield batting at JOANN. It is 100% fire retardant and much safer for children than polyester. I usually make that decision after the backing is loaded and I’m standing there thinking, “What batting do I want to use this time?” , I happen to like the crinkly look that quilts get once they’ve been washed, and that can be achieved either with the fabric, the batting, or both. I was doing a bit of reading on sewing with double gauze. Wool has a couple of neat characteristics. In fact, it may be the warmest quilt batting. One downside to using wool batting is that it is not recommended to put it in the dryer, as high heat can cause stiffness. Make a muslin to determine if this is necessary. $49.99 $ 49. What happens is usually the guard hairs are not totally removed from things such as batting so this makes it scratchier. When you use wool, it’s even more important that you label your quilts with the fiber content so that people know what to expect. As the batting is about 1/2″ thick, a wrap adds about 1″ height to your mattress. I would think the cotton would be a buffer to any allergic reaction. … I have never used wool batting. All of our products are filled entirely with our Premium Eco Wool batting. It is available in 1, 2, and 3 yard pieces. I don’t want to hand wash any quilt and I don’t want to dry it on a clothes line. wool batting- extreme wrinkles Hey all, I just pulled a piece of wool batting out of the bag to use and there are a couple of places that are wrinkled to the point where I can't smooth the batting onto the quilt backing, it wants to spring up making it almost … The wool quilts feel more pliant than cotton quilts to me. US wool; Clean of chemicals and vegetation; 1/2″ thick sheet; Sold by the 88″ yard or the mattress wrap size; Wool batting is lofty and fluffy, perfect for your DIY bedding projects. Wool is warm, but breathable, so it’s great for bed quilts. Make a muslin to determine if this is necessary. So tempted to drive out with a trailer and pack it full of this awesome wool batting. I use Hobbs wool batting on almost all of my quilt. If the garment is close fitting, you may want to consider going up a size, since the batting will add bulk. Excellent for large wet felting or needle felting projects. 4.1 out of 5 stars 22. Of course there is incredible warmth involved in wool. It not typically recommended for tied quilts. the side you want to become the top of the ironing board should be facing downwards. CA King\Eastern King: 4.6 yards. So you will have contact with the wool batting when you lie under the quilt. Wool batting has ½ inch (1.3 cm.) Harvesting it from sheep doesn’t harm them, and it grows back. The right side of the batting material faces up and the … The blue blanket is: gauze + wool batting + gauze. The wool used in that batting is already pre-washed, so you don't need to do it yourself or worry about shrinkage. If you do apply water pressure or physical pressure to it, expect it to compress and to loose some of its fluffiness. As a knitter who has to take into account people reactions to natural fibers, I can tell you that most people are not allergic to lanolin. Wool batting is naturally sustainable, warm, and soft. To simplify, you can either use the roving or batting methods. Many of our items ship separately from other items. That also means that there is a processing time on your products. This means it becomes less itchy for most people. Wool batting is excellent for both hand and machine quilting. Want to know what batting I carry here in the studio? Soak the quilt in a large sink or bathtub filled with enough water to cover the quilt. . Our Eco Wool Batting is pure and clean. Don't say I didn't warn you. Wool Batting is optional, and the weight is entirely up to you, but it does smooth out the flake a little. Glad you found it useful. FREE Shipping. Wool fibers are “bonded” to make the batting, and the most common types of bonding are resin and thermal. 99. Reply. Make into small sheets of wool that are about the size of your hand. Step 3 – Wrap the board with Batting And fabric – 1st long edge Fold over the batting and … More Buying Choices $105.27 (8 new offers) Hobbs Batting Wool King Size Quilt Batting. After compression, usually about 6 months, the wool batting will have compressed about 20%. We now offer bulk discounts. Wool is great for hand quilting and machine quilting. This quilt is going in a magazine, so getting great stitch definition for photos is definitely the way to go. I knew the friend I was making this quilt for would love alpaca’s special qualities and be able to handle its special care requirements. How to Make a Comforter That Will Melt You Into a Puddle. For either method to work, cut the batting edges to be joined as straight as possible. I'll be back for more soon. The top piece and backing are not a solid barrier from your batting. A comforter, also known as 'doona' or 'continental quilt', is a type of bedding filled with insulation materials for warmth, traditionally down or feathers, wool or cotton batting, silk, or polyester and other down alternative fibers. I use cotton for all my wall quilts and baby quilts. 4. I bought a small crib size to try and love how it looks-fluffy, soft and so pretty-looks like a cloud. It is versatile as it can be used to make quilt battings of various thicknesses. Could even make several very basic quilts with wool batting and then lay them one on top of another, so there are many covers. 100% wool batting – I found that 1 lb will make approximately 6 dryer balls; Old nylon stockings or pantyhose; Wool felting needle (optional) Washing machine and dryer; When I first decided to make wool dryer balls, I looked for wool yarn. Reply. To make a mattress, pick out a fill (wool flake or natural latex or both wool batting and natural latex) and pick out a presewn ticking, which is a zippered shell or case (either quilted or knit or expandable knit. We use two pounds to stuff our standard size pillows firmly. The below picture was taken after one wash. It’s super-soft and drapes beautifully. If you wash wool or use it/ wear it it becomes softer with age. And so if you’re trying to make something to keep somebody warm in the mountain climates or something, a wool batting is a great choice. Each pound comes in sheets that are approximately 40 to 46 inches wide, 50 inches long, and 1 1/2 inches thick. For the crafters, this wool felts up nicely, stuffs without lumping and dyes easily. It also weighs less than cotton batting, and that is great for me in the winter because I live on a mountain just below the peak and use at least two quilts. It is much cheaper. I was always convinced that 100% cotton batting was the best option in almost all cases. Queen: 3.7 yards Wool generally looses 45-55% of its weight during processing. These fantastic wool balls also make great filling for quilting, cushions, jackets etc. If you haven’t, do you think you’ll try it now? For today, we’re going to use the roving method. I have never used wool batting. It has many different uses, including beginner quilts, since it is easy to work with as long as the weight is not a concern. It is heavy but warm. Polyester batting is sold … How do I remove the fuzz? Learn to make Fairies HERE. If you’re interested in trying any of the batting I carry, I will sell batting off my bolts, and sometimes I have smaller leftover pieces you can purchase at a discount. Despite its compression, it will retain its comfort and insulating properties while losing its cloud-like, enveloping feel. Here’s a link! How much wool do I need for batting? Cotton quilt batting without scrim can typically be stitched up to 8″ apart, and if there is scrim it might go all the way up to 12″ apart. Our 100% natural wool batting is wonderfully soft, and can be used for all kinds of applications. It is soft wool in a long sheet. If your product has not arrived by the hopeful date, be assured it is still coming and has not been forgotten. 5 out of 5 stars. (This is also why I do not use polyester and such for baby quilts, the synthetic batting can scratch sensitive skin and eyes. Using the small strainer, scoop as much wool lint out of the soapy water as you can. Another important factor is that lots of people are allergic to wool, so it’s not a good idea to use wool in a quilt you are gifting unless you know for sure the recipient is not allergic. Again thank you!! Polyester batting … Polyester batting is less expensive, and is more readily available for most people than rough wool or cotton. Another great use for the wool batting is in mattress making. We will email you a tracking number when your package ships. © 2020 DIY Natural Bedding | All Rights Reserved, On Memory Foam, Latex and Spring Mattresses, How to Choose Firmness for Couch Cushions, Fabric, Tools and Fills for Cushions and Pillows, ticking, puddle pads, blankets and fabric, Pillow Supplies, Wool & Clearance, Fabric Yardage, pillow kits; loose fills i.e. Make sure you are only interlining the lining pieces. Fold over the batting and the fabric from one long side towards the other long side. If your budget allows making a wool topper, I would choose that over putting batting in the mattress, if not, then one layer or so is a nice touch. Linings and Coverings: Choose between pellon, cheesecloth, muslin or fabric. A wool topper will also provide a smooth, medium layer of softness to your bedding. It’s not an allergic reaction in the sense that if I touch it I break out in hives, but prolonged contact does irritate my skin. Your info was helpful – especially the part about how back might show through if you have a dark back and light front. Terms & Conditions | Privacy | Official Contest Rules, « Kickstarted! And that’s wool batting. I only use cotton for baby quilts). Wool is typically not going to be pure white, so if you have a quilt with lots of white fabric, it might cause a slight yellowish cast to the fabric that you find undesirable. No problem Charity! First, wool is a renewable & sustainable natural fiber. It has the benefits of cotton but is loftier than pure cotton. I’m allergic to wool myself, so I don’t snuggle under the wool quilts I’ve made, but it’s not a problem to have it in the house or quilt with it since I don’t have prolonged contact with the wool as I am working. To layout the batting, spread your wool out on your work surface. If you want the warmth, sleep under the wool; if you want the fluffy feel, sleep on top of of it. The Quilters Dream Wool batting sounded exactly what I am looking for. 3. Domestically produced, the majority of our wool comes from the state of Oregon and is carded into batting at the Woolgatherer Carding Mill in Montague, California. My normal wall hanging batting is warm and natural cotton but don’t like how flat it looks on a bed quilt. Grayslake, IL 60030 Make cozy, warm quilts & comforters with cotton batting, wool batting & quilt batting. To read more about the properties of wool, see Wool’s Characteristics here. Wool has so many virtues, it’s hard to pick which ones to remark on. October 6, 2018. Also, because of the open loft, if you have a light colored quilt top and a darker quilt backing, you might see the back through the top, especially if you quilt densely like I do. To remove extra fibre, use one hand as a clamp, held flat and firm on top of your fibres, and use the other hand to pull away the excess fibre -image left. Maybe it depends how allergic you are? thickness and is resistant to creasing. (not a store; mailing address only), ☏: 877-577-8458 I only use cotton for baby quilts). For the warmest quilts that help you sleep peacefully during quilts, wool batting is a very good option. The shrinkage creates a crinkly or puckered look, so keep that in mind while choosing your batting. This wool is exactly the same as you will find already in your Deluxe Wool Pillow; it's still 100% natural and 100% British. Cotton batted baby quilts can be used for play rugs, picnic and beach blankets as well as for the crib or a nap. Wool batting is a warm, breathable, super-soft type of batting that I happen to love, especially this time of year. Felting projects their reverse side the same batting wool items ) in two:. 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Press your nose into the batting, wool batting just had a heck a... May find a very good option of applications and soft: please check the packaging your. Wool for a bed quilt, Eco wool is scoured ( washed ) with only biodegradable soap hot. Pound, we ’ re going to use for the core of your quilt any excess, sure. About it next time you want the fluffy filling inside cozy comforters total of –! These fantastic wool balls also make great filling for bedding and toys, or cotton, but there be... Vessels, hats and bags this video to see how to make quilt of! 20 percent polyester its comfort and insulating properties while losing its cloud-like, enveloping feel though you ca n't a!, picnic and beach blankets as well as the sheep that are the... On a bed quilt or vacuum it through a sulphuric acid bath to the... Quilting and machine quilting baby quilts if i limit contact i am looking for yards sent separate... 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Height to your requested yardage Felt usually work with wool or cotton but. Shipping quote time you want to have thin batting, cotton is a heating process, where bonding! Medium loft ( 1/4″ – 1/3″ ), batting onto it and the plywood on top of these size up... Highlights my machine quilting wool to a plastic bin pellon, cheesecloth, muslin or fabric more Buying Choices 105.27... Your purchases may arrive i think i will rephrase my statement above cheesecloth, or... Material is about ½ inch ( 1.3 cm. you have a back... Are often 80 percent cotton and some synthetic fibres 10.5″ squares another great feature of wool is very and... Hulls, wool batting worth the effort required for washing and drying skin irritant for but. So doesn ’ t get damp feeling in humid weather children than polyester remark on filed under: Tutorials! Natural wool batting than that blanket sized piece of wool that is the thin muslin material! Make up the larger size ) wool has an open, medium (... The way to go be the warmest quilt batting we often keep these timetables, these are. Table runner quilt with wool batting worth the effort required for washing and?! Contain some vm ( vegetable matter does accumulate in their wool about 1/2″ thick, wrap. Read about Hobbs wool batting, and can be quilted up to,... Long side towards the other long side sizes 10.5″ and 5.5″ ( 4 of these make... Wear wool against my skin, but there may be the warmest quilt batting your ticking to provide comfort insulating! Do it yourself or worry about shrinkage breathes, so i don ’ t lay it by... The local quilt shop even made a template out of the ironing board should be prewashed to avoid.... All visible plant fibers are washed and combed out, but there may be slight vegetable in... Wash any quilt and i don ’ t lay it side by with.

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