vuetify multiple themes

In this article, we will create a Vuetify web application that can dynamically change between themes at runtime and also switch between dark and light modes. The development doesn't stop at the core components outlined in Google's spec. # Dense mode . @isebarn Basically in your vuetify.js you should do like so Vue.use(Vuetify, { theme: { secondary: '#FF0000', } }).It should work. Created with Sketch. Vuetify is a Material Component Framework for Vue.js. multiple playlist support; ability to add or remove tracks from the playlist; drag-and-drop support; ability to sort the tracks; audio visualization Conclusion. You can override this by adding an anchor property to the theme: Under the hood, Vuetify will generate css classes based upon these values that will be accessible in the DOM. It aims to provide all the tools necessary to create beautiful content rich applications. There are different ways to solve it, which I will address in this post. If you love building apps in Vue.js but struggle to know where to start with UI design, look no further than Vuetify. Created with Sketch. The generated styles will be placed in a